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Old 04-13-2013, 06:40 PM   #10
Just in from the Storm
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bluesy is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Humidor Divider Foam/Rubber

Thanks everyone for the advice!

Just an update, support for the devil's site is awesome and sent me new adhesive strips for the dividers. If I'm being picky, the dividers are a little off size wise - for example, the top tray divider needs two strips on one side, and the bottom ones barely fit with a single strip, but the humi seems to have a nice seal and once the dividers are in place, I doubt I'll be moving them much.

I've held off on doing anything to lube the hinge since I don't know how big of a deal I find the creaky hinge. Maybe it can serve as an early warning system if someone's trying to get at my smokes. I'll keep in mind the vegetable oil suggestion though if I get sick of the noise.

Thanks again!
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