Re: What's in your smoker?
Don't get me wrong Adam, I ate em til I just couldn't get up for it anymore, some $200 worth over a year
or two. But in the end it was the gall of them taking all the meat, selling it to someone else, and then trying
to sell me the leftovers as beef ribs that made me mad. If it didn't have a good reduced for quick sale price on it,
I would never have gotten caught up in it. Add to that the fact that they are only good hot off the grill, and it
was an easy habit to break. Re-heated they are really lame. Or certainly not worth serving to friends as an
example of your smoking skill. I could eat them re-heated MYSELF, but found them a bad idea to share.
I won't lie, though....looking at the pics again today, my mouth DID water.