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Old 04-10-2013, 05:35 PM   #2254
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

jeff, I agree that to be confident with the depth of field DOES take a ton of no-pressure practice, if for no
other reason than making all the mistakes. I knew I wanted to just hammer the blur, so I did what I said I did
earlier, opened it ALMOST wide open with just a bit of wiggle room to ensure that I did not suffer from 'wide-open
softness" syndrome. But what I found out was that I had TOO MUCH blur in most of the cases. Now, I DO have a
'depth of field preview' button on my camera which basically shows me through the lens what the depth of field
will be like under the current metering and settings, but I do not use it...I WILL though, now.

I went out tonight, but the wind was way up, so none of the flowers would really stay still. That presented
a lot of issues in itself. I found again that the D100 has metering issues, but I guess its like a Montecristo No.2,
when its ON, its fabulous. I got a little of both tonight. Great results and head-scratchers. When you
compare the two camera's results, you can see that the D100 seems to have better dynamic range.
granted I DID NOT make an attempt to set them up the same, like I should have. One could have
saturation set higher, there are a number of things that could be fundamentally different.
I need to check them both out tonight. ANYWAY, here are the same basic shots and some extras.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg clover.jpg (76.1 KB, 689 views)
File Type: jpg dogwood2a.jpg (73.0 KB, 699 views)
File Type: jpg onions2.jpg (94.7 KB, 731 views)
File Type: jpg what2a.JPG (94.7 KB, 678 views)
File Type: jpg pear2.jpg (66.8 KB, 702 views)
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