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Old 04-09-2013, 06:00 PM   #2248
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Default Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
By the way, make no mistake about it, yes I wanted the larger LCD for my old eyes, but the reason I tried to
cancel the D90 and quickly get the D300 is that it has lens adjustment system that can "fix" lenses that
don't autofocus where you think they should. The camera can recall the adjustment settings from
lens to lens. Since I have 90% used lenses, some of my lenses are not exactly perfect. But now that
the whole sitcho seems officially screwed, ehh, I can still enjoy my 3" LCD and just move on.

AHHHHGHHHHH!!!! I need to stop reading this thread! Now you have me curious about the D300. Must....resist...the ODO...temptation....
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