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Old 04-08-2013, 12:20 PM   #866
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Default Re: (Official?) Pocket Knife Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth View Post
I snagged an SnG, the PT is soooooo small and adorable but almost impossible to find. Also the price difference between the PT and the SnG is close enough to go a little bigger (for me anyways). Thanks though, it is one of my grail knives although it doesn't count since it is so beat up. It has been sitting at the post office for a few days.
I've been real close to buying a knockoff PT for a little while just to see how it feels in the hand and carries. Just haven't been able to bring myself to spend the coin on a copy, especially when I have my eye on a few other things I could spend the same cash on.
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