Re: Any BitCoin users?
Bit coin is a virtual currency that made it's debut in 06 or 07 and has swelled to a currency worth of 750 million U.S. dollars. Not huge, in comparison, but gaining in popularity. Persons who 'invested' in bit coin have seen about a 40% return. It's hyped because of the Cyprus currency break down and the fact it isn't tied to any particular government, so, according to the article I read about it, Bit coin isn't subject to the volatilities of the currency market, which is why I would be scared of it. My biggest question: What or Who stands behind it if something goes sour? Now, it would be great if a large investment firm bought gold and then sold bit coin and it was backed up by the gold.
No matter what one's status is in society, cigars are the great equalizer where the affluent and common share a love for the leaf. - Me.