Re: Detailed Process on How to Revive old sticks
Heck Chris.... Give them a try anyway. Many I've seen on CA give similar results as Clayton. But.... I figure that even a half gone CC is better than NO CC (but I'm a non-conformist anyway!)!!!
Basically, you will need to bring them back slowly inside a humidor (or any seal-able container) by keeping it at a humidity that starts at maybe 50 (if they are drier than that), and slowly over a couple weeks at a time, bring the humidity up 5 rh or so, until the storage unit stabilizes at a level you like to smoke at - I like 65%. Keep them rotated weekly or so to keep humidity from settling to the bottom of the sticks, and the bottom of the humidity vessel. Plan on it taking several months.
As to the final results, that will be up to you to judge. Worth the effort??? I think so. After all, it only takes a little time and distilled water, for a potential of a decent cigar at the end (or at least a cigar that was "free", and only cost you a little effort. One thing for sure..... Once you have gone thru the effort, you will have a greater appreciation of maintaining humidity for your regular stash!!!
Ceilin' fan it stirs the air, Cigar smoke does swirl. The fragrance on the pillow case, and he thinks about the girl. Thanks, JB, 1975.