Originally Posted by Chainsaw13
Thanks for the info Brian. From all the research I've done the last few days, people say to bypass the low end o/u and spend the little extra on a Browning Citori. Right now I don't have the minimum $1500+ to spend on one of those. And because I'd like to use it for more than just a target gun, I'm leaning towards a Weatherby or Mossberg semiauto.
And yes, it looks like it can get expensive. Like I don't have too many hobbies already draining my pocket book. 
Was talking to a couple of friends today that have done some sporting clays shooting. Both of them prefer an autoloader--specifically the Beretta--with screw in chokes. Although barrel length preference is sort of an individual thing, 28" or 30" seems to be the most popular choices among that crowd, at least with the semi-autos.