Thread: Partagas 150
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Old 04-02-2013, 06:58 AM   #13
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Default Re: Partagas 150

Originally Posted by Milvel View Post
I just ordered 4... Here's hoping they are as amazing as he remembers!
The Partagas 150 was an amazing smoke in the day. Remember, an aged cigar, especially one almost 20 years old, will not be the same as what he remembers.

Just smoked a couple cigars I put away when my son was born, kept them till his 18th birthday. They were incredibly good. They were not what they were however. They were smoother and some of the distinctive flavors were muted. It was like the competing flavors had learned to play well together. They were however more complex than they had been, in a very subtle way.

I would loved to have been able to go back in time and smoke one of them fresh as well as the aged one.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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