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Old 03-25-2013, 09:03 PM   #18
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: Coolidor organization

Originally Posted by 76GTFan View Post
Did you just cut the shelves to size, or is their a particular place you purchased at the proper width? I have been using the same cooler, but not standing tall.
I made a template out of cardboard, then went to the Home Depot and asked them to cut down one of their shelves. The rear of the shelves fit in the grooves, and I use a wooden dowel to support it, and a dowel at the front of the slot to hold up the front of the shelf.

rear dowel (1/2" squared) is 13 15/16"

front dowel (5/8" squared) is 14 1/8"

rear of shelf cut to 13 3/4" WITHOUT the rubber caps

middle of shelf cut to 14 1/4" WITHOUT the rubber caps

front of shelf cut to 14 3/8" WITHOUT the rubber caps

The front dowel is going to be tight, just press it in so it's snug and won't pop out after giving it a tap or two.

Oh, I'm standing it up on top of an old nightstand, and used double-sided tape to keep it from sliding around.
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