Re: What cigar recently surprised you?
Just joined and grunching...
I attended the Big Smoke in Vegas in November, and was surprised by several cigars, but none more than the Nat Sherman. I had heard of the brand, of course, but only in relation to cigarettes and I thought the brand was only something from long ago. I couldn't believe the quality of the cigar, and have asked my local store to order some.
Also, 3 weeks ago I bought some more Ambos Mundos (Pete Johnson) which I have always loved, especially since I could pick them up for a little over $4/stick. I was not really surprised when these cigars hit the Cigar Aficionado top 25 list 2 years in a row. What surprised me about the recent smokes however, was how horrible they were. Anyone else experience Ambos Mundos inconsistency?