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Old 03-14-2013, 06:32 AM   #1994
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

I will agree with you that that Lumix is a good camera, and I think I am one of the only people on this thread
that had a LOOOOoong history of shooting super-zooms and posting that stuff here, too. There is a preponderence
of DSLRs here. Those cameras prove that a person can still take a good photo with ANY camera. I bought my sister
a FZ18 a few months ago because I believe in superzooms as an upgrade to compact point and shoots, despite
them basically both having the same sensor. I believe if you want to take nice photos, you need to be able to
turn a few knobs. Those Lumix cameras have very nice lenses, and they TRY like hell, like Fuji, to shoot as well
as possible in low light. If you DO know the ins and outs of light control, then concentrate heavily on
composition, MOSTLY remembering that anything in a photo that is not adding to the composition is taking away
from it. MOVE your body, not your zoom all the time, take a dozen photos of the same thing from 6-10 different spots.
I can't help you with the hyper-criticism, and like Emo said, if you can't show us a few photos you hate, we can't be
of much help. Share, my man.
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