Originally Posted by shark
I'm seldom satisfied with my photos. What do I need to do to improve them?
I will tell you only what I know, and what I didn't learn from 30 years in television,
I have been learning lately from reading
all of this
There are enough articles in there to keep you busy for weeks. After you have read about half of it,
you realize that on one hand, the guy is extremely knowledgable and helpful, and on the other hand,
he IS ONLY one photographer, and they tend to be opinionated and think they are right all the time.
Like me.
But if you can remember he is only one guy, his help is invaluable and insightful. If you want to just
skip RIGHT TO WHY you can't take good pictures, you might find the most immediate help in the articles
that have those types of titles. He is very blunt about why most people take boring pictures and strives
to help you break out of that mold. Some people here may really benefit from this library of help,
some may even toss him a few bucks or buy gear through the links he supplies to help him avoid working
a real job ever again. Very little in there is what I would term useless.
Good luck with your quest to take better photos. I think we all want that. You should create a photobucket
or flickr page where we can check out the things you are talking about. Flickr is not the best choice because
it is usually a pride and criticism kind of environment. Photobucket is more useful for, well, like a lot of us do here,
store photos that we like to post in threads and stuff, where the pics don't clog up the asylum servers. Stuff
like this.......
But also stuff like this.....
On Photobucket though, there are not the same kinds of review and criticism, so its a little safer to store
things there that you might want people here to help you with. When I say criticism, too, I do not mean
just BAD stuff, I mean Flickr is a place where people want others to see and comment on their work. If you
want to store things on the bucket, you can use their html tags to post them here like I did with my Smokies
stream shot, and we can look at what bothers you and aid you in stopping it, lol.