Thread: NHL 2013 Thread
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Old 03-04-2013, 03:36 PM   #567
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Default Re: NHL 2013 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan View Post
This is just one reason I hate Montreal, yes they won a game last night but the way they are acting it is like they won the cup

All morning habs fans been calling sports talk radio shows acting like the fools that they are.
Even worst Montreal radio talk show host Tony Marinaro is making prank calls all over Boston the low life even called Boston Pediatric Hospital taking up valuable time and tying up phone lines.
What a pathetic bunch of yahoos
I'm a Habs fan and I can't say I disagree. What I hate the most (and it illustrates the patheticity (I know it's not a word) of mtlers) is when thay start to chant the "we've got you beat" chants when the outcome of the game is far from being decided, sometimes as early as the 2nd period.
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