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Old 03-04-2013, 07:32 AM   #63
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Default Re: Plume or Bloom vs. Mold

I will concede this, that I cannot tell what is on the cellophane.

Having said that, what follows is not an attempt to start an argument, simply is some observations.

Whatever is growing on the cellophane though, might have nothing to do with what is in the cigar. Cellophane is mildly porous, so something that attached itself/grew on the outside of the cellophane could have passed to the inside. It might be caused from minerals in the water of the humidification system. And, if they changed water types, they may have stopped attaching/growing on the cellophane.

This I can say, in 33 years of smoking cigars, I have never seen plume on a cellophane. In fact, plume on a cigar is a very rare occurrence. I cannot say how many I have seen in my cigars smoking career, but is not very many. And those that did have it, it was an even coated dusting. (I have seen many, many more instances of sugar crystals on aged flake tobacco than I have plume on cigars.)

As has been stated, plume is a crystalline structure.

Flakes of pipe tobacco will grow sugar crystals, and if it is a mixed blend, you will see the crystal growing only on certain leaves (Virginia) that have been pressed into the flake, but even they are not spots (round splotches), but will follow the placements of the particular leaf in the flake. If it is a single crop of Virginia, then possibly you will see crystals over the whole flake.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

What is on the celloph
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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