Originally Posted by TheGiver
So I'm clear here, the consensus is that mold will grow inside and outside of cello while never ever being on the cigars?
No. Not sure where you got that from, but mold can occur on both the cello and the cigar. Plume, on the other hand, can only occur on the cigar.
Originally Posted by TheGiver
Because that is exactly the case here. Rub the stuff with your finger and it comes right off. I'm not trying to argue here. Just asking more questions.
The rub test isn't a definitive test. If the surface is smooth, it's pretty much worthless.
Originally Posted by TheGiver
I've had mold on my cigars in the past(humi too full and too close to the humidifier) and this looks nothing like it. It's like a sticky dusty film on the cello. The cello actually feels dirty/sticky.
Plume is crystalline, not sticky.
Originally Posted by TheGiver
403 - forbidden error.