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Old 03-03-2013, 09:23 AM   #4
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Default Re: LaAroma De Cuba Edicion Especial No. 1

Originally Posted by RobR1205 View Post
How many others of this cigar have you had? I got a sampler box, and remember some of the sizes to be quite good...maybe a bad stick? But then again, I haven't a Pepin in a while now, maybe I need to...

I guess it's possible that I got 2 straight bad ones. But the first one was a tent peg and the second one tasted like a$$, so that was enough to turn me off to the whole line.

I used to be a huge DPG fan, even back before he blew up and you could get the El Rey de los Habanos and Vegas Cubanas for $3-$5 a stick at the B&M. But in the last couple of years I've run into too many poorly constructed and/or nasty tasting cigars, and I'm just not as eager anymore to try any of his new blends. Now Jaime, on the other hand...IMO he has put out nothing but pure awesome *so far*.
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