Thread: MN Cigar Events
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Old 02-25-2013, 04:52 PM   #29
Chillin in the Aging Room
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Default Re: MN Cigar Events

Bump for the Long Ash Competition at Goodfellas Cigar Lounge in Mahtomedi. Just east of 694 and Century Ave. Everyone in attendance will receive an Olive G churchill and the longest attached ash will win a prize. 2nd and 3rd longest will also receive a prize. Come on out. I will be there along with many others. If you haven't been to Goodfellas they just launched their web page at There is a short video showing footage of the lounge and walk in. The contest is free by the way. I'd love to see a few of the MN BOTL's show up!
Saving basements in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
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