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Old 02-24-2013, 06:28 AM   #16
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Default Re: Advice for selling cigars

Originally Posted by oaklandnjb View Post
I guess I hadn't really thought about that. I know Dad was a cigar enthusiast for decades, and I know that the boxes were purchased within six months, so I presumed the cigars were smokable (if properly rehumidified). I certainly know no critters got to the boxes (or they would have had to have been amazingly talented to have replaced the plastic packaging so exact).

As I said, I really was just looking for information. Not trying to foist crud on anyone -- I have to assume the cigars are of decent quality.

I think the critters (beetles) that most would be worried about would already be in the box. If a box of cigars is left above 70 degrees for a length of time tobacco beetles can hatch in the cigars and turn cigars to dust rather quickly. Unlikely but still possible.
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