02-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Join Date: Aug 2011
First Name: Mickey
Location: Mooresville, Indiana
Posts: 8,313
Re: Moist-N-Aire temperature gauge question
Originally Posted by shilala
They throw out a crazy amount of water, Mickey. They'll overcome damn near any amount of leaky humidor. They're like the industrial size of cabinet humi humidifiers. I think you'll be pleased.
Just don't expect it to deliver a super steady RH %age like beads in a little box. They don't do that, they work "across a range". That range adds up to perfect, but in a wobbly, up and down, all over fashion. You're shooting for a good average RH with this thing, and it'll do just that.
Who cares how ya get it done just as long as it's right, right? 
Sounds awesome Scott, thanks once again......I'll keep informed.