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Old 02-18-2013, 08:26 PM   #7
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Default Re: White precipitate on cigar wrappers

So here's the real deal: I've worked in 4 retail cigar stores and a cigar warehouse. All had humidification systems, some more effective than others. All have had issues with what I call "White Haze". The truth is that it happens almost everywhere. I've used reverse osmosis, water softening systems, charcoal filters, you name it. It just happens. It's just atomized water settling on cello/other surfaces. Good tobacconists recognize this and are attentive to their inventory and keep their product that is in cello wiped down every day. I am a stickler for it at the five stores I'm responsible for. Un-cello'd cigars pose a challenge because they are more fragile, but we separate those into a humidified case of their own, or pay extra attention to them in the main humidor. There's really nothing that should prevent you from smoking a cigar with the haze on it, but it's visually unappealing. It often wipes of with ease. Perhaps your local B&M could use some help?
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