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Old 02-18-2013, 01:19 PM   #19
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Almst had my first B&M experience.

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
I was a bit surprised by the prices of the cigars, but it is more of a MN tobacco tax than anything else. 70% wholesale tax. I believe that it's near the highest in the country. So a Fuente Between the Lines was 15.97, the Viaje holiday blends were 13.50, and the S&B was 13.75. Don't remember the rest that I looked at, though they did have some Summerfest sticks left that I was tempted to pick up as well.

Even so, The prices were entirely worth it for what the place had to offer its patrons.
The prices - mainly from tax - are what keep me from buying a lot of cigars in my B&M. But I still try to go there once a month and pick up four or five sticks. It's a way for me to support a local business, shoot the breeze with the staff about this wonderful hobby, and try out some single cigars that are normally out of my price range (normally I'll order a five-pack online to try a new cigar, but my budget has limits.) I don't know if I'd have ever tried a My Father, Ashton VSG, La Aroma de Cuba, or AF Don Carlos if it hadn't have been for my B&M, and that would have been a damned shame.
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