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Old 02-18-2013, 11:59 AM   #1873
Suck It
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Default Re: Photography Thread

Hey boys and maybe girls....I have too many cameras, BUT naturally I am always shopping for another one.
I never buy anything new, and B&H Photo always has a nice selection of used cameras. Since I can't
in good conscience BUY this camera, maybe someone out there in the halls of the asylum CAN. It is not
a outstanding camera by any stretch, but it reviewd pretty good back in the day, and it offers full manual
controls in a compact body, still has a very respectable megapixel count, you know, before everything got
out of control and people started thinking more always meant better? And I guess about the only thing out of
date on this camera is the fact that 12x zoom on a 'super-zoom" is not all that super anymore. But for $75??
You could do A HELL OF A LOT WORSE. Maybe you need a glove-box cam, or have a child whom you'd like to
see become a shutterbug, just not using YOUR 5hiT, is a condition 8+, which on their scale
means it has a few scuffs and maybe some of the coating is scratched on the LCD screen, but once the light
comes on, that is meaningless anyway. but if they are selling it, it works fine and again, its not a bad lil camera.

If you buy it, drop me a quick PM....I'd kind of like to know someone here got it.
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