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Old 02-17-2013, 04:54 PM   #3706
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

Decided enough was enough today....temps went from mid 30s to mid 50s in a day, so I thawed some wings.
I know they say they are pumped with 15% broth or water, who knows. I only know they were 100% good.
I used Rendevouz Rub, one of Memphis' best BBQ joints. I was lucky enough to be the recipient of not
just one, but two re-gifts from upper management. They got a selection of the best rubs and sauces from
what surely is the best BBQ city in the world, good ole Memphis. They came from a company we buy
chemicals from. All the ribs I had brought to work in the past marked me as a likely person to re-gift it all to.
Over a period of a few weeks, I got 2 Rendevouz rub bottles along with 2 bottles of sauce, 2 rub and
2 sauce from Corky's and one bottle of The BBQ Shop sauce, (which to me is the best sauce in town).
I also got some Sweet baby Ray's, but most of you know I got that

That's what it looked like before I doubled up, and now have a good 11 jumbo-size bottles of that SBR before you
even start to COUNT my new arrivals.

That's the good part. The bad part is that ehhh, its OK, not better than my own rub, but everyone's tastes
are different in the end. And Rendevouz didn't get to be top 3 in the city with bad rub. OH, sorry...the pics.
No sauce on these....

Last edited by OLS; 02-17-2013 at 05:04 PM.
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