Thought this info might help someone else...
I recently needed to sell my house and move for a job. I had been smoking 1 or 2 cigars a day in the house without any particularly effective odor control. The realtors I talked to all said the cigar smell would make the sale more difficult. One told me I'd lose $15k. So, I needed to do something.
First, I had all the rugs shampooed. After that dried a couple of days, I had ServePro come in. They specialize in restoration after fires, etc. They fogged the whole house with a process called "thermal fogging." Basically, they filled the whole house up with a fog that smelled like concentrated dryer sheets. I had to stay out of the house for half a day.
Anyway, it worked perfectly and my real estate agent is now using it on other houses. My 2000 sq ft house cost $150 for the fogging.
And, my house sold the first day!