Now I don't have to sit and listen to my buddy make these "STAIN ON THE SEC" and "character Run AMOK" points
and tell me that Bama doesn't sign
THOSE kinds of players. I told him it was just a matter of time and
thank goodness it was. I feel bad for the kids that got bonked, but kids today are the same wherever you
go. Privileged athletes that get whisked through school and out of the principal's office because they can't
be treated like the regular kids that can't run a 4.3. EVERYONE recruits them, Cliff. And eventually, just like
I said, the lid is gonna come off at bama.
I am not gloating, just making the point that that's
FOOTBALL, not Bama football or LSU football or
USC football. But before this story, I had to listen to Cliff tell me "don't give me
'I heards', gimme facts!"
There you go pal.

OH, while I am sitting on my high horse, the way I hear the story, Bama took the funny
performance stuff before beating LSU at the Dome. And apparently LSU took em before beating the tide in
T-town. Now they were probably
ALL taking them
ALL the time, but I thought that was funny when I read it.