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Old 02-10-2013, 07:48 PM   #34
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Default Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe View Post
Thanks guys. Dumb question. If say I busy doing something is it bad to let the cigar go out? By bad I mean does the flavor go bad or change anything if I have to relight it? Also do I need to re toast it when I relight it?

Are we talking a few minutes, a few hours or a few days?

minutes - nah.
hour or two - maybe but hard to detect
Days - ickypoo.

If you are setting the cigar down and you know it will be a bit before you can get back to it, gently blow out through the cigar before setting it down to expunge all the gasses and that will help lessen the impact on the flavor.

When you go to relight, knock all the ash off, blow out through the cigar again, then toast and relight as necessary.
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