Thread: New Rock Music?
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Old 02-06-2013, 06:27 AM   #5
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Default Re: New Rock Music?

I am right there with you, Don. I guess I am getting old as there is rarely anything new that I like.

Protest the Hero - some slightly unitelligble lyrics. Mostly clear though. Intense band and all the members are masters of their craft. The #1 best show I ever saw. That whole Fortress album is fantastic.

He is Legend - Not really new, but a good CD just the same. Video is hilarious. Again, a little yelling, but the chorus makes it worth around the 1:10 mark.

Sleeping with Sirens. Some idiots will lump this in the emo category. Damn good band though and the vocals are different because of his range. The video is annoying because the song does not start until around 1:10.

Another Sleeping with Sirens song

A Skylit Drive. I like these guys for the same reason as Sleeping with Sirens. And yes, that is a guy singing. His name is Kellin Quinn and he has like a 3 octave range. There may be a bit too much yelling for you.

A Wilhelm Scream. Badass band hailing from the land down under. Singer is a badass. Saw them in Colombia, SC and he had a set of brass knuckles welded to the mic. Punk Rock sorta type music.
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