Originally Posted by the jiggler
Didn't see a thread on this so I thought I would start one.
When I first heard that Disney had bought out He Who Shall Not Be Named and would start producing new installments I thought "well, it can't get any worse..." I thought maybe with Captain Revisionist out of the way, they might actually get a good story together with a decent director and make a halfway decent movie, sans ewoks and gungans.
Now with Abrams on board I am being forced against my will to have hope which irritates the crap out of me. It's like being a Panthers fan has managed to creep its way into non-football areasof my life... the off season is more interesting than the regular season.
But supposedly Abrams true passion as always been Star Wars. As much as I like the new Star Trek and am totally stoked for STID, I confess I can't wait to see what he does with episode VII.
It has the potential to be really, really good. As a Panther fan that is right in my wheelhouse.
Hello form Texas. I born and raised in Rock Hill just down the road from you.