Originally Posted by neoflex
Yeah, the Paper Tongues are good friends with the owner of Outland. It was a good event and the turn out was strong given the weather. Only a handful of guys can pull get guys to drive out in ice to attend an event, JD being one of them. I got to meet Craig at the event too. It was a good time for sure.
Great event! Good to meet John and hang with him for a little bit. Sorry for the delay in following up, I had to leave for a show in Atlanta the next day and just got back in last night. On top of everything else I have been sick as a dog so I haven't got to burn one yet.
Here is a bad photo of most of the MUWAT line up for those who are interested.
Left to right: 6X60, +11, digital son 6, 5X60, and the baitfish.
I bought 20 of the DS6 so as soon as I figure out a cheap way to send one little cigar I will create a new thread for sending some out to those botls who want to try one. I have jacked this thread enough.