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Old 01-27-2013, 12:24 AM   #44
Posts: n/a
Default Re: MUWAT- Digital Son 6 : 6th Edition

Really small world... I am at work tonight driving the shuttle and a bachelor party of 8 or more guys from Charlotte come in... They are my age and on the ride over they start talking about their night last night...

They were all partying at Outland cigars where they have a locker they said and were at the Drew Estates event... But it gets better then that...

One of the guys was a musician that apparently has worked for/ traveled with/ and is friends with JD himself... His name is Aswan... Apparently a musician of the band Paper Tongues... Well he and JD made some sort of video on YouTube I haven't seen yet...

This sounded almost too good to be true... But then he showed me the apple iWatch JD gave him the night before... This was independently confirmed on 2 different shuttle rides back from the casino... What a generous guy...

So Aswan gets out of the shuttle as I am telling him all the DE products I love... And then he says "write your name and that site (CA) that your talking about down on a card and ill check it out and tell JD about you..."

I did of course... if I hear from JD you guys will definitely know!!! At the very least its a cool story I thought and goes to show apparently how small the world really is...
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