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Old 01-24-2013, 09:43 AM   #13
Feeling at Home
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Default Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

Originally Posted by ysr_racer View Post
Your mom makes your meals
Your mom does your laundry
Your mom is your best friend
You still live at home
You talk to your mom every day
I live at home, and I am 24 years old. I'm just getting started into my career, and due to the government hiring freeze, I can't even move to a different job in my line of work. I am a civil servant working for the Department of the Navy, and make decent money.. But I simply can not afford to move out. I pay rent to stay here, I pay for my own meals, I do not mooch off my parents, and since the age of 18 I have been employed and never once asked my parents for money. Even when I've moved out on my own, and the houses fell through -- my parents were there to offer their house. I only accepted the offer to come back home because I forced them to let me pay rent.

My mom at times makes meals for me, my mom may at times do my laundry, I love my mom, I live at home, and that damn sure means we talk every day. Even when I lived out on my own, I talked to her almost every day. I'm grateful that my mother is still alive and that I can talk to her, and I'm not going to miss the chance because she's almost 3 times my age.

I'm pretty damn proud to be the ultimate loser.
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