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Old 01-24-2013, 08:48 AM   #7
Will smoke for food
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maninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to beholdmaninblack is a splendid one to behold
Default Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)

I love how you're making wild speculations after being nosy and listening in on someone's call. I hope one day when my boys are older, that they cosider me a friend as well as a parent and still find time to call me when they are on their own. Guess everyone can't live up to your expectations.
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