Re: Are we raising a culture of losers? (no pictures)
I wouldn't exactly say she's raising a loser.
My mother talks to each of my sisters daily a few times a day because of the bond they have and it is something that should be respected. Just because of that bond does not mean they are losers. It's called love. It happens between a parent and a child.
Plus the daughter is attending school. Good for her.
So please explain to me how talking everyday to the people who brought you into this world is being a loser?
My mom makes meals for me when I go home to visit? So now I'm a loser? On the contrary, remarks like the one in your first post make me wonder about individuals like you sometimes who do not think before they speak, in this case, type. Your ignorance and immaturity towards social issues makes me think there are REAL losers in this world.
Reading you post actually infuriates me. I believe you to be an older gentleman. Yet I have 18-20 year olds who work under my charge and have much more professionalism, tact, character, maturity, and many other values that you seem to lack. They would never make a post of that nature.
BTW, you sir, need to stop eavesdropping on others conversations.
Last edited by bvilchez; 01-24-2013 at 08:37 AM.