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Old 01-20-2013, 08:24 PM   #4501
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 View Post
I don't but you'd be better off asking over on Glock talk or the subforum on There are several conversions and I know one was mentioned being the best but I don't know which. You got a lot of .22lr? If not, that's had to find right now too it seems.
Thanks. There's two I've seen. Advantage Arms (better of the two from what I can discern) and Tactical Solutions. Price is around $300-350 for the kit, if you can find one. At that price, I could get a new pistol, but I like the idea of shooting my Glock to develop a rhythm with it. As for having any .22lr. I have some, but not much. And you're right, good luck finding any.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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