Thread: NHL 2013 Thread
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Old 01-19-2013, 10:56 PM   #251
Just in from the Storm
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Default Re: NHL 2013 Thread

in a day and age where most every Canadian freezes their back yard, skating is as natural to them as running and throwing to us Americans. With the growing popularity of the sport here in the states most northeast states are following suit. But to say its the most difficult sport to master is nonsense. A poll was taken in the late nineties of which was the hardest single feat to master in all professional sports and hands down it was facing a major league pitcher. An orb coming at you one hundred miles an hour and breaking twelve to eighteen inches before it hits the catchers glove, you have exactly .3 seconds to make a decision on attacking. I'm no expert in the field, but I bounced around in the minors for 4 years, hands down the hardest sport to make it professionally is baseball, and that's just because of pure numbers, everyone thinks they can do it but few can excel at it.
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