Originally Posted by Ahbroody
Wait a minute. I will preface this by saying I have gotten into heated arguments about hockey being the most difficult sport to play given speed, skill, toughness required.
I have seen people play hockey drunk as hell, you could do pickup smoking a stogie, and I have seen couples playing together. While golf is not as physically demanding it is a specialized skill sport. No I dont play, but I think it is a sport as most every scrub cant go out and play effectively.
I would argue of all the sports football basketball and soccer involve the most basic of human skills running, throwing, kicking and catching. Children can do these things easily. Thats why they are thr most popular in my view. Anybody can go outside with a ball and play. Baseball requires more skill as does hockey and golf.
You can play hockey drunk as hell, and I have, but only after you have gained the ability to skate, puck handle and generally know how to play the game. ALL hockey skills are unnatural...almost all other sports have at least some natural variables, like running(compared to skating) for example. I've helped coach adults that were figure skaters learn to play hockey, they eliminated the variable of not having to learn how to skate...they still can't do anything with the puck. It takes years to be able to comfortably skate while controlling a puck at the end of a 60" long stick. I could go on but blah, blah, blah...That doesn't mean other sports aren't complex but hockey, in the depth of unnatural skills needed to play, is the most physically complex.
How many people here also play/coach ice hockey?