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Old 01-18-2013, 04:16 PM   #67
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: Storage Wars Lawsuit: Dave Hester Says It's Fake

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
My friend's Dad had an old car listed for sale at 7K. Guys from "American Pickers" contacted him and said they wanted to buy it. Got to his house and the car was in back. They asked if he had anything cool he could put out front, and he put a motorcycle out there.

Then they pretended that they were just driving by and saw the motorcycle and stopped by, "unsolicited".

My friend's dad doesn't have a barn on his property, so they asked him to park it in a neighbor's barn, which they made out to be his. They covered the clean car in dirt and leaves and made out like they found it in the garage and asked him to sell it, and "negotiated" down to 7K.

The guy's dad was happy to get his 7K, but said the whole "AP" thing was a complete joke.
You just confirmed my suspicions that Pickers is the most realistic reality show on television. Yes, the settings may be set-up, and the unsolicited visits are staged too, but they actually purchase the stuff they show on the series. And neither Mike nor Frank are complete douchebags like the guys on most of these reality shows.

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