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Old 01-17-2013, 09:34 AM   #4423
Brian D.
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr View Post
I'm halfways tempted to experiment with a 1911 9mm for a 3gun pistol... not because my Glock17 is bad, but just because I LOVE shooting 1911s .... but a decent 9mm 1911 is also a decent $$$, so I think i'll probably stick with the G17 for now.
Once in a while Springfield Armory will run off a batch of the Mil Spec line in nine millimeter, 5" barrel. Less features than the Loaded Series but if you can live with the the Mil Spec fixed sights (I'm NOT talking about the GI model) the other amenities are things you could add later or do without.

I don't have one anymore but Colt made the plain jane 1991 Series in 9mm and .38 super as well as .45acp. All three were available in Gov't and Commander sizes if memory serves. Until the current hysteria hit you could pick one of those up at a very good price most of the time. The 5" 1911 in 9mm is indeed an easy gun to shoot.

Another alternative (not easy to find either, sorry, you were born too late ) would be the Browning Hi Power, one of the later versions with ambi safety and decent sights.

For what it's worth the newest variant is available with adjustable sights that are low-mounted into the slide. Trouble is those haven't been out very long so you'd be paying new-gun-prices for them.
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