Originally Posted by longknocker
Thanks For All The Good Advice, My Friends!   The Encore Sounds Good To Me. I Use A Drip Capresso Machine. Does The Coffee Really Taste That Much Better With A Good Grinder? How Fine Or Coarse Should I Grind It? I Also Use A Paper Filter Inside My Gold Permanent Filter. Does This Reduce The Coffee Flavor? Just Using It To Avoid The Mess. Thanks! 
I would go as fine as possible without creating sludge if you are using the paper. You may be able to course it up a bit and use only the gold filter. The paper filter shouldn't take anything away flavor wise, I wouldn't think. The difference in a good grinder will not be overwhelming when being used in a drip machine however you will be able to dial in an exact grind that will work better. Have you ever used a French Press? I would HIGHLY recommend this technique but with a more coarse grind. Once I started I never went back to drip again. FPs are cheap too, which is good because I have gone through several due to drops. The nice thing about that grinder you showed interest in is that it will be good for all types of coffee as your technique may change over time. They say you could even use it for espresso but I would argue that it wouldn't be ideal. With Tim being a user of the version prior to upgrades and speaking highly of it, I would say go for it.