Thread: Brazen
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Old 01-17-2013, 04:26 AM   #26
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Default Re: Brazen

Originally Posted by longknocker View Post
Laura: How Do You Know What Temperature To Set Your Brazen On?
Greg, just like finding the right RH for your cigars, it's trial and error.
Adjusting the grind and temp to suit your palate, is part of the fun.
I'm finding that the carafe isn't keeping my coffee warm enough.
I could just raise the brew temp and see if that helps, but that defeats the purpose of the machine, IMO.

BTW, I did receive a response from Behmor yesterday.
We're going to take the readings at some point today.
I'll keep all posted as to there response.

So that we can better help figure out what is going on, can you take a temperature reading just after brewing and at 40 minutes?
Depending on your brew settings, we would expect to see the carafe hold at around 170 degrees at 40 minutes from brewing.
Let us know,
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