Thread: Disc Golf
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Old 01-14-2013, 04:17 PM   #52
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Default Re: Disc Golf

I've been known to throw a disc or two in my time...

I only have 1 shot down so far and that is my tomahawk... being left handed I can't get a feel for side arm... I do all my putting frisbee style...

My discs are a mix up of river re-sales and whatever was cheap at the outdoors shop in town... I have some more firm and some more pliable plastics... 2 putters, 3 intermediates, 3 drivers... all banged up and scratched but they throw ok... more or less...

I play at Western's campus course, Davidson College's course when I am back home, and another private course on the land of a very cool guy by the name of Mr. Bracket (Bracket's Bluff

As I mentioned before I am not all that great at it... but for me its more about getting outdoors, smoking a cigar, maybe having a beer, hanging out with friends and throwing stuff...
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