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Old 01-13-2013, 04:48 PM   #15
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Default Re: Gurkha 125th Anniv 96 Rated

Originally Posted by scottdurand View Post
not a complex smoke by any means and a 'meh' at best.
This sums up my experience with the Gurkha brand in general... Haven't had the 125th but in the GAZILLIONS of Gurkhas that seemed to flock around me as I was a newb, I have only enjoyed 2...

The Ninja : Spike ( I chock this up to having it with good coffee while smoking it)
And the Black Ops: Toro (This one wasn't complex at all but it definitely hit some dark notes...)

There was a micobatch also from Gurkha that wasn't horrible for the price but I think they are long gone nor could I remember the name of it...

Personally, I think Gurkha is not a terrible cigar for those that like milder sticks or that enjoy a monotone flavor... I myself enjoy a symphony of spice and varying levels of dark flavors... but to each their own...
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