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Old 01-12-2013, 02:11 PM   #14
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Default Re: Combining Passive and Active Humidification

I'm assuming this is a large cabinet style humidor? If that is the case, I agree that a combination of active and passive is best. Just remember that humidity rises so put the active element on the bottom. You'll have to play with settings so that the top of the humidor does not get too humid.

I'd use the beads spread throughout the humidor to absorb excess humidity. They should not ever saturate unless you have your active set too high. 70% Heartfelt beads I've found have a tolerance of about 5%. What I experience is you have to get over 75% or so before they start saturating. If you set your active to something like 67%, it should balance out quite nicely.

Since you’re in a cabinet humidor, you may want some air circulation which will help keep the humidity balanced. I've found wiring in some simple PC fans and powering those moves air enough. I've not an apples to apples set up with yours as I’m using a wine fridge as my coolidor and I have to use a significantly suped up active humidification system to counter the effects of the refrigerator dehumidification elements. But with a bit of balancing, your cabinet should work out great.

You'll have an advantage over me that you don't have an active dehumidifying system so in the event your active humidity system fails, you should be fine for a month or so just based upon your beads and the seals of your humidor.
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