Originally Posted by forgop
I know one of the things that will be touched on in a new law will be the requirement of a background check for all private sales. Anyone have an issue with it?
Personally, I'm for it. Would you want to know people that are denied via a dealer/background check can just resort to buying off a private sale with no such consideration? The only downfall will involve a bureaucratic process of P2P sales that will obviously encounter increased time and expense to make said transaction.
I would rather not speculate at all how we maybe getting f--ked buy doing this we are already conceding that there going to get something thru! Even if he goes the EO route its still subject to congressional review (he is not a king and cant invalidate the senate and congress)I don’t think there are many Republicans that are going to vote against gun owners, even slick Willy mentioned numerous times that the 94 AWB cost him the house and Senate. I DONT have a problem with stopping papered nuts and non US citizens from buying firearms. (WTF?)
Here in Pa you cant legally sell long guns to another individual that you know is able to pass a back ground check, if you sell it to someone you know couldn’t legally obtain it you are in trouble its considered a straw purchase. As far as handguns go in Pa with the exception of immediate family you need to go to the gun shop and have them perform the back ground check.
I am still preparing for the worst and hoping for the best