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Old 01-09-2013, 06:40 AM   #18
Ain't Never Gonna Leave
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Default Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Much like DaBear, I find that a few people have tastes very similar to mine, and I am more likely to give their recommendatons ( and their "non" rcommendations") more weight, as I know we often enjoy (or don't) very similar cigars. I tend not to go with the current "hype", be in NC or the "limited release" CCs.....though sometimes I will try a hyped cigar just to make up my own mind (i.e., the "Lil Monsters").

I try to keep a fairly open mind, and do find some suprising cigars sometimes (the Curivari you just sent me being a recent example). But my "prejudices" have steered me away from some of the hyped cigars, and certain lines I have grown prejudicial towards because of past experiences with their other cigars (i.e., Gurkha or Torano). I may miss a gem from time to time, but hold true to "smoking what I like".
Keeping and open mind and trying new things is the best attitude. Exactly what I am trying to get at.

I also understand that after a few experiences, a person gets gun shy. There are brands that I also steer clear of for the most part, they have bit me on more than one occasion and I won't go back. I have had a couple decent Gurkhas, so I don't write them off immediately, but I also don't buy them anymore. Torano on the other hand, I concur with your assessment. And I avoid Victor Sinclair like the plague - they have majorly failed on too many occasions.

On the other side of the coin, there are some which used to really excite me (in the day), but which I now approach with trepidation: Arturo Fuente stuff being one that quickly comes to mind.

And still other have remained amazingly consistent, El Rey del Mundo Robustos and some others being prime examples.

I have had a couple cigars which absolutely blew me away. Upon returning to buy the same cigar only a couple months later, major disappointment is all I find. I'll usually have a few of the originals in my first purchase, they are fine - the new stuff is almost unrecognizable as from the same maker. Tatuaje has done that to me with 2 cigars.

Of course, I also know that my tastes have morphed/changed. Some of what I liked, I do not any longer. The cigars remain the same, but I no longer get the enjoyment I did out of certain cigars.

Peace of the Lord be with you.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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