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Old 01-08-2013, 09:40 PM   #13
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Default Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
Really anymore I only trust one individual reviewer as he's the only reviewer from any source that has almost perfectly matched my palate. Everyone else I take with a grain of salt, and certain ones its more like a boulder of salt
Much like DaBear, I find that a few people have tastes very similar to mine, and I am more likely to give their recommendatons ( and their "non" rcommendations") more weight, as I know we often enjoy (or don't) very similar cigars. I tend not to go with the current "hype", be in NC or the "limited release" CCs.....though sometimes I will try a hyped cigar just to make up my own mind (i.e., the "Lil Monsters").

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
Hey, when someone who's tastes I know are similar to mine says he/she likes a cigar, chances are I will like it. So, I am inclined to try it. By the same token, I have a couple friends whose tastes I know are almost polar opposite of mine - if they 'hate' a cigar, I will probably enjoy it. So, I am inclined to try it.

Originally Posted by RevSmoke
Hey, if we can rethink our prejudices and set them aside, just like in real life, maybe we can try some new things. Who know, we might find a new favorite.
I try to keep a fairly open mind, and do find some suprising cigars sometimes (the Curivari you just sent me being a recent example). But my "prejudices" have steered me away from some of the hyped cigars, and certain lines I have grown prejudicial towards because of past experiences with their other cigars (i.e., Gurkha or Torano). I may miss a gem from time to time, but hold true to "smoking what I like".

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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