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Old 01-07-2013, 01:14 PM   #7
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: Looking to pick up some stainless cookware......

Originally Posted by smitty81 View Post
I have never used stainless steel so It will take a bit of learning i'm sure but I want something nice.

I see myself using a set as much as we cook. Seems like the only thing I never really use is small skillets (6").

We are planning a trip to BBB sometime to actually handle the cookware. Pictures don't seem to do cookware justice IMOP. I like to handle it and see for myself.

This is another set I had looked at. It has a copper and aluminum core. I don't know that having copper in addition to an aluminum core make much of a difference though.
SS does require a learning curve. You do need to preheat the pan, otherwise you'll get sticking no matter how much oil/butter/etc you use. I happened to be using a pan going this weekend to toast a hamburger bun and made a fried egg in it. No problems with sticking since it had heated up sufficiently while toasting the bun. Another nice thing is you can really crank the heat if you need to. Not advisable with non-stick.

I'm guessing the addition of copper/aluminum is for more even heat distribution/conduction.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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