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Old 01-07-2013, 12:59 PM   #4
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: Looking to pick up some stainless cookware......

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post

Depending on what you already have, you also might consider buying one piece and see how you like it before buying a complete set. And while it may be more expensive in the long run, buying pans piece by piece will give you what you really use. (A shame to buy a 10 piece set when you really might only end up using 3 or 4)
Wise words. I have plenty of pots/pans, but use 3-4 regularly. A nice 10-12" fry pan, 4-5 quart stock pot, 8" fry pan and a small 1qt pot. I do have others that I use from time to time, but probably could get away with just those 4.
My neighbor came by my house this morning at 2AM, pounding on the door. Good thing I was still up playing the drums.
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