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Old 01-04-2013, 04:37 PM   #3
Møøse bites can be nasty
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Default Re: beer fermenting question

Originally Posted by Salvelinus View Post
Without getting too technical... it's up to you

A batch of yeast is only going to eat so much of the sugar that you put into the beer. When the yeast is done it settles to the bottom. Flavor wise, with the time frame you are talking about, it doesn't matter if it finishes in the first fermenter or the second one. Many people use the secondary to extend the process and get some additional clarity. With a Hefe you aren't worried about clarity, so it really is up to you.
Those were my thoughts too. When I brewed years ago, I would rack to a secondary for a clearer beer and lessen the yeast flavor it might pick up from the yeast cake on the bottom. But a Hefe isn't supposed to be clear, so I would only do it to remove as much of the yeast that you don't want in the keg/bottles.
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